a different kind of perfect

i'm a mom...on a mission...to enjoy life everyday...appreciate the little moments...try not to get so easily annoyed...raise my kids with a faith legacy that leads them to continue to be amazing people...and to make my husband feel as special as he makes me feel.

What is Cystic Fibrosis?

CF is an inherited chronic disease that affects the lungs and digestive system of about 30k children and adults in the US (70k worldwide). A defective gene and its protein product cause the body to produce unusually thick, sticky mucus that both clogs the lungs and obstructs the pancreas and stops natural enzymes from helping the body break down and absorb food. [www.cff.org]

Saturday, March 8, 2014

'We're never gonna stop"

Our little boy is about to turn 4. He loves Legos, loves to dance, is the most sincere hugger you’ll ever meet and his goal in life is to just be a dad because “dads don’t have to do tweatments every day.”  We can’t bring ourselves to tell him that because of CF, that may not happen so we’re stepping it up this year, we’re never gonna stop and we’re doing what we can so he CAN reach this goal.  It breaks our hearts to hear him say and wonder when he’ll be a dad. He even wants us to buy him dad-sized clothes when he turns 4! 

Borrowing the words from a favorite song by Hillsong United “we are ready at the line looking out to all that’s ahead.  We are running, chasing after all that you are, cause all that you are is all that we want now. We are running…”  for our little man.  Every stride is taken in Faith, with a belief in our God and a belief that we can make a difference, that we will help fund a cure.  A difference in not just the 70,000 people who have CF, but a difference for all of the families affected by CF.  So we come to challenge you further to look beyond ourselves to your Love.  Look beyond yourself and continue helping us make a difference.  Commit to join, to continue, to push up beyond what we can do in this fight. 

We’re never gonna stop.  In lieu of our Chillin’ & Grillin’ this year, we’re placing emphasis on recruiting and building up a superhero force for Dean.  As the song continues…we are looking out to all that is ahead.  We’re never gonna stop.  We would love for you to sign up and join us at the starting line for one our upcoming events:

May 4: Team EPD at the Palos Half Marathon (Team Lead Tim Malone)
May 17:
Illinois Great Strides 5K walk, Centennial Park, Orland Park
August 16: Team CF at the CF Cycle for Life
November 9:
CF Climb for Life (Team Lead Candy Johnson)

Some family and friends already have committed to leading an event near them and we’re forever thankful! 

Great Strides 5K, Dubuque, Iowa (Team Lead Jill Gansemer)
Great Strides 5K, Cary, North Carolina (Team Lead Amy Kelley)
Great Strides 5K, New Canaan, Connecticut (Team Lead Team Woodring)
Great Strides 5K, Nevada (Team Lead Kalena Theissen)
Great Strides 5K, Palm Springs, California (Team Lead Dorothy Yudice)

Or you can simply donate.  Whatever your choice, we truly thank you for giving Dean (and us) more tomorrows.  Email, text, call, fb with any questions and don’t forget to watch Dean’s 2014 video and like us on Facebook:  www.facebook.com/eatpraydean.

Share our video and our plea with anyone who is willing to pray, run, bike, climb or make a tax-deductible donation.  With gratitude,

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