Team Burns set off on an end of the summer adventure this weekend to watch Jim complete the Steelhead Ironman 70.3 in Benton Harbor, Michigan. After the busy summer we had, we missed out on prime (and affordable) rental properties in Michigan so opted for the RV route. Jim has been talking about taking a cross-country road trip since foooor…evvvveerr and succeeded in getting the kids to jump on the band wagon a few years back so this was a perfect opportunity to test out the waters, rent the RV for the first time and rely on God’s beautiful nature for entertainment! The kids were shocked when Dad surprised them but giddy on the 2 hour ride.
The VACA...
We had our first experience with a KOA Campground and figured that we made the right choice in doing the RV thing when we got campground #56 (Jim’s lucky number). Fortunately, Jim brought a small set of tools which came in handy immediately as we parked the RV and the bathroom door was inadvertently locked and shut. Jim then hooked up our water and electric and we proceed to cook grilled cheese on the cutest little stove ever. Friday we headed over to St. Joe’s to check out the area, make a stop at the Discovery Kids Adventure Museum, ride the lovely carousel and the inevitable stop at WalMart we headed back, spent an hour trying to get our water hose connected (we learned that a little muriatic acid can fix the treads on the hose connection…who knew?) and then finally got to dinner and our mini campout of hot dogs, veggie burgers and s’mores. Thank Heavens for the Canadian boy scout camping next to us that helped us with our minor fire issue that evening! On Saturday, we met some good friends and their boys for a day at the beach - what started out as a chilly 55 degree morning, turned into a beautiful day that went way to fast, but it always does when you're hanging out with friends. We got home and "saved" a tortoise from it's demise against a size 13 shoe right outside our RV and officially "adopted" our little guy, whom the kids (coincendatally) named Benton.
Discovery Kids Zone |
Bon fire |
The kids and Benton, the tortoise |
Charlie, Owen, Cali, Dean, Evie & Luke |
One of my favorite parts of the few days before we went away was after Jim took over planning and renting the RV, he did everything he could to make sure our race day went as smoothly as possible. Anyone that has done a race, particularly a triathalon, knows the business and logistics that are involved with getting the packet at the expo, parking, setting up the transitions and then logistically for the spectators trying to “find” your athlete. Since the transition area closed super early compared to Jim’s race time, he wanted to make sure we were close enough so that the kids could sleep in the RV while he set everything up race morning. Thanks to the Boy Scout troop 623 and their stellar parking skills and organization, they agreed to let Jim park the RV Sat. morning through Race Day Sunday. Here’s my favorite part, in Jim’s words: “ This is going to be FANTASTIC! We will park 5 minutes from the beach the day before so you guys can keep sleeping when I set everything up and then you’re right there on race day if you need to go back! Only one little issue…we won’t have water or electricity that day because we’ll be in a parking lot.” Hmmm…umm, ok…wasn’t ready for that one but luckily the RV did have a generator and water pump so we survived (except for the gray water backup…but that’s a story for another time)!
The RACE...
So, Race Day rocked. 1.2 miles in the 67 degree Lake Michigan water in 35 min and 27 seconds. 56 beautifully fast miles on the bike in 2 hours 59 min and 55 seconds and 13.1 hot, hilly miles through Jean Klock park. Jim looked like one of the pro’s, never winded (or at least never showing it), always a smile and attempted hi-fives to his cheering crew through to the very end. His goal was a 6 hour race. His finish times (including transition time) was 5:58.03. A third 70.3 half-ironman medal to add to the growing collection and a burning desire to sign up for the full. Yikes? 140.6? Will keep you posted…can our awesome spectating crew handle a full Ironman???
On the way to the race |
Swim |
Bike |
Run |
Finish! |
#1 Fans! |
Now, I’m off now to convince Jim that our camping and RV trip is over and he can change out of the grey sweats and the wife beater :)
Thanks for the prayers, support and well up...the Chicago Marathon in October...stay tuned...