Dean is our superhero, we don’t even try to hide it. He is now almost 5 years old. He thinks that every penny we have should be spent on legos, he can read about 20 words, he loves to sing and dance, play Playstation, play soccer, and he cannot wait to join a basketball and football team. Dean has joined his older brother and sisters in the valuable and true art of arguing and defending his position (on everything)! He has a heart of gold and truly feels and cares for those he meets.
Dean continues to take enzymes with every snack and meal (about 20 a day)! He has racked up over 570 hours on his vest machine and this does not include the multiple nebulized treatments each morning and evening. We travel with his treatments wherever we go, making his meds a priority in life and continue to fundraise so that one day he can breathe easily and carefree. With your help, over the past four years, team Eat. Pray. Dean has raised over $140,000 through various walks, runs, cycles and Climbs.
We can write forever but we will let you watch the Annual Cystic Fibrosis Foundation video that Dean was blessed to be in:
Please pray for a cure, for the scientists working so diligently on the developing science and research, for Dean and other CFers and their daily fight and for all of the events we try to share and participate in to raise awareness. The three ways you can help:
1. Join one of the events we are already leading and participating in:
CF Climb for Life - Nov 8 - 58 flights, 1200 steps at 300 N. LaSalle in Chicago (Cali is already recruiting friends for this)!
2. Host your own event (thank you Amy for already registering your team in North Carolina). There are Great Strides walks, CF Cycles, CF Climbs already set up nationwide. We will set up a team for you near your home and you can ask your family and friends to join you for an awesome morning supporting a cause that really needs you now!
3. Donate to fund the cure:
Thank you for helping us fight CF - one day soon, this will stand for CURE FOUND! Please share this letter with your address book to help us raise awareness!
With love,
Jim & Erin
twitter: @eatpraydean
Dean (4) Jan 2015 |